M50 Quick Pay - App Design
Elegant and Simple Design
The client needed an app to allow customers to pay for M50 tolls on the go. We designed a friendly app interface with bright engaging colours, and a clear user journey flow. Extensive user research was carried out to eliminate unnecessary interaction steps. A user can complete a toll payment in only five steps, and even less for a returning user who is logged in to their account.
The Problem
Before the existence of the App, there was a high level of late payment fines being levelled at customers. This was, more likely than not, because users were having difficulty completing payments online using the Eflow/M50 website, especially on mobile devices. This resulted in frustrated customers resorting to contacting eFlow support by phone.

The app features an pioneering circle based UI which can be swiped vertically to add or remove toll credits, while the total payment due is updated and displayed for the user below. The App UI is original while still being intuitive. An indicated stepped process helps users avoid frustration and successfully complete the journey to checkout.

Emotionally Engaging
While difficult for users to love an app whose purpose is paying tolls, we endeavoured to create an app experience which could both help complete this critical task and also put a smile on the users face. Localised, with graphics of the Dublin skyline, the app has a playful personality, is pleasurable to use, is memorable and effective.

The Results
Since the App was released the client has seen:
• Reduced call centre contact
• Less M50 user getting late payment fines
• Enhanced customer experience
• Increased number of self-service actions